Independent Study

  • independent study graphicThe º£½ÇÂÛ̳ District has fully reopened schools and returned to in-person instruction for the 2021-2022 school year. All students were automatically enrolled in the on-campus and in-person instructional model. However, there is an option for RUSD families with concerns about health risks for their child(ren) continuing with in-person instruction.

    RUSD has a TK-12 Independent Study program as an alternative to in-person learning. The program requires students to change schools while participating in the program, but Independent Study students will be able to return to their in-person school depending on space, at any time, during the 2021-2022 school year. 

    If you are interested in enrolling your student in the Independent Study program, please contact your school’s principal or administrator and they will assist you with the referral process.

    **Attendance is based on how many days’ worth of independent work the student has completed.  If the student completes all the work assigned for the week, they will receive attendance credit for all of those days in the week. There is still an expectation that the student completes all of their instructional minutes through asynchronous work.  The amount of work will mirror the amount of instructional minutes of students who attend in-person.**

    The program will have the following elements based on the different grade spans:

    Elementary (TK-5)

    • For elementary school students, the Independent Study program is coordinated through HENRY ELEMENTARY VAPA SCHOOL, located at 470 E. Etiwanda Ave. in Rialto, and FITZGERALD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, located at 2568 W. Terra Vista Dr. in Rialto. 
    • Students will be assigned to an Independent Study teacher.
    • Daily live (synchronous) instruction will be provided for students in TK-3. Instruction can be held in person or virtually.
    • Grades 4-5 will require at least weekly live (synchronous) instruction opportunities with daily live interactions, such as wellness checks and/or progress monitoring. Live instruction and live interactions can be held in-person or virtually.
    • The instructional minutes that are required will be the same for students attending in person. The instructional minutes will be completed through independent (asynchronous) work.

    Middle School (6-8)

    • For middle school students, the Independent Study program is coordinated through RIALTO MIDDLE SCHOOL, located at 1262 W. Rialto Ave. in Rialto. 
    • Students will be assigned to an Independent Study teacher.
    • Grades 6-8 will be required to attend weekly live (synchronous) instruction with daily live interactions, such as wellness checks and/or progress monitoring. Live instruction and live interactions can be held in-person or virtually.
    • The instructional minutes that are required will be the same for students attending in person. The instructional minutes will be completed through independent (asynchronous) work.

    High School (9-12)

    • For high school students, the Independent Study program is coordinated through ZUPANIC HIGH SCHOOL, located at 266 West Randall Avenue in Rialto. 
    • Students will be assigned to an Independent Study teacher.
    • Students will have at least weekly live (synchronous) instruction which can be held virtually or in person.
    • The instructional minutes that are required will be the same for students attending in person. The instructional minutes will be completed through independent (asynchronous) work.

    Although there is no distinction in the law as it relates to terminology for differing lengths of independent study, we will often refer to independent study agreements that are issued at the school site level (usually for students that need to quarantine due to COVID exposure) as "short term" or "temporary" independent study.  These agreements are issued for 14 days or less

    "Long term" independent study refers to those students who plan to attend one of the independent study schools for a greater amount of time than 15 days, due to a parent's concern of having their student(s) attend in-person instruction.  The agreements are made for the remainder of the school year.  But a parent may transition their student back to in-person instruction at any time.

    For both long term and short term agreements, attendance is determined by the amount of work that is completed and returned at the intervals stated in the Master Agreement.  If a student completes all work that is assigned, they will receive full attendance credit for those days.

Independent Study FAQs

  • Is Independent Study the same as Distance Learning?

  • How is attendance credit given in Independent Study?

  • Does a parent need to sign the Independent Study Master Agreement?

  • Where do I get books or a computer device?

  • Can my student participate in independent study if they have an IEP?

  • Will meals be provided to my student?

Independent Study Schools

  • staff