Special Education FAQs


    How will Special Education and Related Services be provided?

    海角论坛 District (RUSD) is committed to supporting our exceptional learners, their families, and school communities through the Bridge Academy: Distance Learning Instructional Model.

    Beginning Monday, August 10, 2020, your child will receive special education and related services through Bridge Academy, which will allow your child to access the curriculum and benefit from the educational program offered. Students will receive direct services from the special education teachers and related service providers (e.g. speech services, occupational services, social emotional learning, educational related mental health services, etc.).

    Will Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings be held during distance learning?

    Yes. All annual, triennial, and addendum IEP meetings will be held virtually until it’s safe for students to physically return to school.

    Who must attend the virtual IEP meetings?

    All required IEP team must be present at all virtual IEP meetings, unless the parent or guardian give consent for the excusal of any member from the meeting. If any members of the IEP team are not excused and are unable to participate in a virtual IEP meeting, the meeting should be rescheduled for a mutually agreeable time.

    Will Special Education assessments* continue during distance learning?

    Yes. The school psychologist will discuss options with the parents or guardian for completing initial evaluation and reevaluations (triennial).

    How can a parent/guardian initiate a virtual IEP meeting?

    A parent or guardian can request a virtual IEP meeting through your child’s special education teacher, school principal, and related service provider (e.g. speech services, occupational services, social emotional learning, educational related mental health services, etc.).

    Can IEP teams meet without internet access?

    Yes. The IEP team members can participate in a meeting on Google Meet via the internet or by phone.

    Are interpreting services available during virtual IEP meetings?

    Yes. Virtual IEP meetings should follow the same process as in-person IEP meetings and should include available staff who are proficient and experienced with interpreting.

    What if I have questions?

    If you have questions, we encourage you to contact your child's special education teacher or school principal. You can also reach the special education department at specialed@rialto.k12.ca.us.